the wayback machine
students. It's clear that the shows remained popular.
used HotMail, which was very popular at the time.
Past students listed e-mail as frequently as today's students. However, the 2004 group
Solitaire as one of their favorite games. This, Yahoo Games, and other basic online games greatly contrast the multitude of
Almost all of the students listed
different video games and platforms listed by the students of today.

Futurama and The Simpsons show up as favorites of both previous and current
T.V. Shows

Listed on almost all students of both groups. CD's and radio were the common formats of 2004 while most current
students listed just Spotify.

to choose from.
GroupMe, students from 2004 only had MSN Messenge, AIM, or AOL Messenger
Instead of using iMessage or
"Instant" Messaging

time mention new as a high level media they consume weekly. This response was much more common in the 2004 students though. Students today consume a higher quantity/variety of high level media, so I think news was sometimes not the first media to be thought of.
Students from both points in

compare & contrast